Thursday, July 24, 2008

Weigh In-Trend Reversed

Okay. The trend has reversed. I weighed in today. I am back down to 249.50 I weight in about 9:30 AM. Started the morning with a Banana. I did eat late. I am really trying to wean myself of meat, and am eating to compensate. I ate a bag of trail mix at 1:00 AM. I also have not yet removed coffee from my diet.

I will probably not be quite fully natural for a while because the Vitamark Autoship is going to come because I did not change it. I think I am going to get the energy drinks, see if I can get off the coffee and suspend Vitamark for a while. That part of the network marketing business is not going to happen anytime soon.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Weight Went Back To 251..Wil Weigh Again Tommorrow

In the short period of time that I went off the Atkins Diet (eating whatever I wanted), my weight boomeranged back to 251 according to the scale. It was apparent that the Atkins Diet was not going to work long term. It was a good remedy to get me to the point where I am, but exercise is going to have to take me the rest of the way. Additionally, I am going to be on a Modified Hallelujiah Diet.

Today's Diet

All Fruit---Too lazy and busy to figure out what was to eat.
One cup caffienated coffee
One cup of half and half

Trail Mix--Ate too much of it. I need to find out what suitable meals is supposed to be.

Big Salad
Bag of Trail Mix
Corn on the Cob

None as of 9pm.

Mellaleuca Men's Mix
Two in the morning and Two in the evening

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Leaving Atkins Going to Hallelujiah Diet

Hello Today was the day. I left the Atkins Diet short of my goal of 170. However, I am not giving up. I am going on the Hallelujiah Diet. It is basically the life of a vegetarain but don't tell anyone. The fact is that I will basically be giving up meat for most of the time (I will still have some) and will be picking up daily exercise. The Atkins Diet has taken me as far as it can. I was beginning to pick up weight again because I had just given up. I was back up to 248. But I am not on this plan to lose weight per ce. This is a lifestyle choice.

Now today, I still ate a small piece of meat, but it has been mostly fruit. I did try juicing for the first time today. I had orange and grapefruit juice. My daughters hated it.

I am not sure I agree with all of the theology behind the book, but I can say that it makes sense that alot of harm has beed done with a sedentary lifestyle and dead foods.

I also know that there is a cleansing in my future at sometime, but I am not sure when that will be.

The only wild card is that I am back on Caffiene. I am considering switching that out for a vitamark energy drink.